How to Check if Your WooCommerce Plugin is ActiveTo check if the WooCommerce plugin is active on your WordPress site, follow this simple PHP code snippet. It works… Kishor Parmar3 days ago
Fetching a Single Value from a in WordPress databaseFetch a single value from the WordPress database using $wpdb->get_var() in a safe way. Kishor Parmar1 week ago
How to Count Rows in a WordPress Database EfficientlyThis snippet shows how to count the number of rows in a table using $wpdb->get_var(). Kishor Parmar1 week ago
Deleting Data from the WordPress DatabaseUse $wpdb->delete() to delete records from a custom table in the database. Kishor Parmar1 week ago
Updating Data in the WordPress DatabaseThis snippet demonstrates how to update data in a custom table using $wpdb->update(). Kishor Parmar1 week ago
Inserting Data into the in WordPress databaseInsert data into the database safely using $wpdb->insert() in WordPress. Kishor Parmar1 week ago
Running a SELECT Query with Placeholders -Prevent SQL injectionThis snippet demonstrates how to safely run SQL queries using placeholders to prevent SQL injection. Kishor Parmar1 week ago
SELECT queries and retrieve data from the WordPress databaseUse the $wpdb->get_results() method to fetch data from the database. global $wpdb; $query = “SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}posts WHERE post_status… Kishor Parmar1 week ago
Connecting to the WordPress MySQL DatabaseThis snippet shows how to connect to the WordPress MySQL database using the $wpdb class, which is automatically available in… Kishor Parmar1 week ago
Change Download Link Text on WooCommerce My Account PageThis snippet allows you to modify the default download link text, enhancing clarity for users. Kishor Parmar1 month ago
Add Custom Message for Expiring Downloads on My Account PageThis snippet helps notify users about their downloadable products that are close to expiry, improving user experience. Kishor Parmar1 month ago
Display Downloadable Products on the WooCommerce My Account PageThis snippet ensures that customers can easily find and access their downloadable products directly from their account. Kishor Parmar1 month ago