Change Download Link Text on WooCommerce My Account PageThis snippet allows you to modify the default download link text, enhancing clarity for users. Kishor Parmar1 month ago
Add Custom Message for Expiring Downloads on My Account PageThis snippet helps notify users about their downloadable products that are close to expiry, improving user experience. Kishor Parmar1 month ago
Display Downloadable Products on the WooCommerce My Account PageThis snippet ensures that customers can easily find and access their downloadable products directly from their account. Kishor Parmar1 month ago
Display User’s Orders Count in My AccountShow the number of orders a user has on their account page. Kishor Parmar2 months ago
How to Add ACF Fields to the My Account Page in WooCommerceWant to customize the “My Account” page? This PHP code adds ACF fields, allowing users to input and save additional information. Enhance user experience effortlessly! Kishor Parmar2 months ago
Remove Unwanted Menu Items from My AccountMake your WooCommerce My Account page easier to navigate by removing unnecessary menu items. This simple tweak helps customers focus on what really matters and improves their overall experience! Kishor Parmar2 months ago
Create a Custom Dashboard Widget for WooCommerce My AccountLearn how to implement a straightforward code snippet to create a personalized dashboard experience for your customers in WooCommerce. Kishor Parmar2 months ago